What Happens To Me When I Sell a Work of Art?

Rod Jones Artist Sells a Painting to a Hotel in Florida What Happens To Me When I Sell a Work of Art? Rod Jones Artist

What Happens To Me When I Sell a Work of Art? One word might generally describe everything about the sale for me, and that word would be… delight or delighted.


The most recent sale was to a hotel in Florida. Assuming it goes somewhere that has high traffic, and lots of people have the opportunity to see it. Then I would move the delighted feeling to gratefulness.


When a creative person sells one of their works of art, they can experience a myriad of emotions. The one that many of us have in common is a sense of loss. That happens when you ship the work out, hoping it will be cared for and loved by the recipients. It’s almost like sending a child off to college. You’re proud of them, you’re happy for them, but you certainly are going to miss them. 


Creating a work of art is a very personal thing, and its success all depends upon you; your innate ability to turn your thoughts and ideas into a meaningful and imaginative innovation. 


Validation: Art thrives on validity. Nothing makes it more valuable to the creator and to the collector than when money changes hands. When you get compensated with money for anything you create, you feel recognized. It’s evidence that your creative drive and spirit has meaning. It’s the ultimate ego-gratifying reward.


“My paintings are excited when they move out into the world. But I know they miss me and the studio that gave birth to them.” Rod Jones Artist 


To learn more about me as an artist and to see my works of art, go to: https://rodjonesartist.com/