Scattered Thoughts Entrapped

Scattered Thoughts Entrapped: “Where is your head Rod, the brush is fully loaded? Entrapped in the foliage of fall.” Abandoned those scattered thoughts that are entrapping your thinking. Put to use that colorfully loaded paintbrush. The canvas in all its blank white glory wants to be something more. It wants to be visually and courageously bold. It wants to be deservedly remembered.


Mindset? Mental attitude? Inclination? What goes on inside the abstract artist’s mind when he or she makes the first move on a blank canvas? It’s an archaic question, which has managed to escape any real conceptual or rational narrative.


This painting of mine is presented in a non-interpretive way. It’s up to you if you to choose the impression it makes on you. As the painting suggests, the colorful tips of arrows can quickly scatter your thoughts and you may become entrapped.


Abstract art and its ability to disassociate from any specific meaning is in itself what makes it so darn ethereal. We humans see what we want to see. Most of what we see is based on some preconceived notion that was embedded in our minds from birth. To create an abstract painting and maintain some authenticity to the viewer requires the melding of thoughts. Rarely accomplished I might add.


“Abstract art is an unnatural stimulant and should be taken with caution. But it does manage to be an inducement of thought.”


Rod Jones Artist-Writer