Heavenly Spirits

Heavenly Spirits

Every painting has a story, if you can’t find one, make one up. No, they are not apparitions you see cleverly and strategically positioned in this presented painting. They are simply what your mind chooses to demystify. It’s a decoding process that we all go through when we see a work of art, and it’s a never-ending story.


The stories we make up when we look at a piece of art, especially this one, are the thoughts we link up for the purpose of disentangling what we see. Give it a go. Is there a mindful story within you that may be entitled Heavenly Spirits? 


Here is mine, after all, I painted it. I titled my story, The Transcendental Heavenly Spirits. 


Only known to a few, the powers which violate the laws of nature are unimaginable in the dreaming state of mind. A humble servant of time who was referred to as Father. Made his way into the mind of the dreaming artist. Structurally organizing an idea of elements, like color, and spiritualistic shapes, all harmoniously juxtaposed. The Father, who often unceremoniously entered the mind of the dreaming artist, met little or no resistance. For when the artist laid his head down on his pillow for the night’s rest, he instinctively expressed a deep desire for authenticity and originality to be on hand for the next day’s session, of brushing paint onto a blank canvas. 


The morning came much quicker than the artist was in agreement with. Stepping into the studio and up to the easel. A large blank white canvas was patiently at the ready, assuredly bringing on the always perceptible apprehension as the painting day began. The subconscious Father, during the artist’s sleep, had woven into the artist’s mind all the creative elements that were needed to create a painting that earned the title Heavenly Spirits.