Blue Fathom

Blue Fathom Rod Jones Artist

Blue Fathom

Size:24″ x 36″ x 0.75″
Medium:oil on canvas

Description:In the ocean… light trails in the darkest depths to weave a dance of flickering patterns that emulate the varied sea creatures that swim in its protective garden.
When revisiting this painting it triggered somewhat of a whimsical thought, and brought up from the depths of memory The Beatles song Octopus’s Garden. The painting is predominately cool shades of blues. But if you or I were an inhabitant of the deep blue sea, we would find it very much a warm garden below the storm. A little hideaway beneath the waves where we could rest our head on the seabed. Especially a seabed near a cave like the the lyrics suggest. “We would shout and swim about the coral that lies beneath the waves. Oh what joy for every girl and boy knowing they’re happy and they are safe.” “Maybe you would like to be under the sea in an octopus’s garden in the shade.” Art by its very nature is an emotional communication. Maybe you can use your own imagination when viewing this work. There are a thousand stories yet to be told when viewing a signature piece of my art.